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The Martin Elementary Library Birthday Book Club is one in which you can celebrate your child’s birthday in a special way and help our library collection continue to grow.  Participation in the program involves a $10 donation (one per child).  For this donation, your child may select a new book from the Birthday Bookshelf located in our library.  The inside front cover of the book will have his or her name written on a bookplate.  The birthday child also has the honor of being the first to check out the new book. 

Children have a special appreciation for the books they “select” to add to our library shelves.  They enjoy sharing them with their classmates and teachers.  These books will remain in the library throughout all their years at Martin Elementary.  This is a wonderful way to commemorate a very special occasion and to help our library maintain a high-quality collection. 

If you are interested in joining at this time, please complete the attached form and turn it in with your $10 (per child) donation today.  Please make checks payable to Martin Elementary.  Our school librarian will help your child select a book on or near his/her birthday.  Your generosity will benefit all of our students.  We thank you for your participation and support of our school library!!

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